Thursday, April 10, 2014

"Judge Russia Not...Unless You Want to be Judged, Western World"

Political Nonsense

I agree with you in the fact that “interference from out-landers” will only make matters worse and far more complicated. Also, you make an excellent point in stating, “…we don't fully understand the unique cultures of Eastern Europe”. This is brilliant and completely true. Our societies, views, and cultures are too different from ours. It would not be wise to just assume we know what they need or want for their country.

I am equally disappointed in our government and its leaders for being so single minded about this issue. Especially reading John Kerry’s statement reading “You don’t just invade another country on phony pretest in order to assert your interests.” (Couldn’t of said it better myself, regarding your pick and choose comment.)

Friday, March 28, 2014

U.S. National Government

U.S. national government is a strong force constantly surrounding us. From the news cast you watch in the morning to the taxes you will be paying for your 3 A.M. craving. From the start, our national government was planned out and organized by our founding fathers. They had a certain goal in mind and did everything in their power to elongate the process for more generations to come. It was not at all easy with problems such as a flawed amendment process and constant money issues arising, but looking back...we've gotten this far.
Although strong, our national government has its downsides as well. One thing in particular is transparency. Our national government is very famous for being secretive and hiding their operations from the general public. The public is just as curious as someone working inside the white house. National government affects our lives and the daily activities we do as well. Along with transparency, we also need leaders who will initiate change and bring forth new ideas and plans to successfully operate our nation.
"President Obama is working to build a country and an economy where we reward hard work, value fairness, and where everyone is held accountable for what they do. He is meeting the challenges we face as a nation with a bold, comprehensive plan. And he is reimagining government to be more open, transparent, and accountable." ( President Obama is a highly educated man and has many things for our future. America elected him for a reason and it is time for him to prove to his people that he was the correct choice.

Friday, February 21, 2014

War on Men

Kathleen Parker wrote an opinion piece, Sex after drinking and the war on men, on the growing war against men versus the classical struggle against women for gender equality. It has been a growing problem for men whom lie under the grey areas of rape and consensual sex to determine who the actual victim. Parker brought out factual, and in most cases common, knowledge about the opposing genders to highlight that men are the obvious superior specimens in a physical aspect. Though men have the physical attributes to overpower women in most cases, women should still always be held accountable for their decisions. More and more women every year grow up with the mindset that calling rape over an undesirable situation is okay, knowing two cases from my personal life alone where this has happened. Women have gained an important responsibility with the legal system taking more and more trust in them over cases of rape. The fact that California is attempting to pass legislative to make consensual sex more and more defined is a testament to the growing war on men. Men are thought of as always having the power over women but in the majority of cases the physical power is all that lies in the man’s court. The justice system is not placed to assume fault on one part or another but to keep equality at the front of the line with regards to public safety. The more we weigh against a certain gender, the greater the problem becomes, regardless of which side it out weighs.

Friday, February 7, 2014

"Working As An Abortion Doctor In The Town Where Dr. Tiller Got Shot"

Working As An Abortion Doctor In The Town Where Dr. Tiller Got Shot

Dr. George Tiller was an abortion doctor in Wichita, Kansas and one of the few in the country that performed abortions late in pregnancy. In 2009, Dr. Tiller was shot to death at his church by a pro-life extremist. Four years later, Dr. Cheryl Chastine, a doctor from Chicago, Illinois, would be the new abortion doctor in a remodeled version of Dr. Tiller's former clinic. As soon as the pro-life activists heard about this, Dr. Chastine quickly became one of their main targets. Picketing her Illinois practice (which by the way did not offer abortions), sending letters to her building tenants, and also sending letters to her personal home address were just a few of the events that Dr. Chastine has had to overcome. The Pro-Life Action League, a Chicago-area group, expressed that they were only trying to “sit down and have a talk” with Dr. Chastine.Ann Scheidler, part of the Pro-Life Action League, said, “I would tell her all of that medical training has to be good for something other than killing babies” when asked what she would say to an abortion doctor if she got the chance. Today, Dr. Chastine only uses these “loud bullies”, as she calls them, as motivation to keep helping out the women of Kansas. She won’t let them stop her from offering her medical skills.
I believe Obama said it best. “However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence”, said Obama, issuing a statement after Dr. Tiller’s death. Our different views over issues should not get this out of hand. Bombings and shootings? Groups to be able to speak your opinion in and be involved in to be able to make a difference should not be abused and become groups to eliminate the “enemy”.